Neurological measures

Brain performance training and olfactory training are at the forefront of neirological Long Covid.

Neurological measures in Long COVID treatment

The neurological after-effects following a COVID-19 infection are characterised by impaired mobility, changes in body sensitivity and disturbances in mental functions, among other things.

Treatment always considers the patient's overall personality and situation as well as his or her social environment.

Computer brain training in Long COVID rehabilitation

The aim of training brain performance is to restore cognitive functions in the performance areas of visual perception/spatial awareness, attention/concentration, memory and executive functions.

It is indicated for patients with mild to moderate impairments in the relevant areas. Computer-assisted therapy software is used (e.g. RehaCom, Petra Rigling).

The software enables direct training of the following impaired functions (restorative approach):

  • Attention and concentration
  • Memory
  • Visuoconstructive skills
  • Reactions
  • Calculation etc.

Olfactory training

Olfactory and gustatory disorders are common with Covid-19. The course of olfactory and gustatory disorders in Covid-19 is generally regarded as favourable. Complete normalisation occurs within 4 weeks for the majority of patients. If symptoms persist, olfactory training can be performed with different fragrances (e.g. rose, lemon, eucalyptus etc.).
