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Drinking water to reduce alcohol craving? A randomized controlled study on the impact of ghrelin in mediating the effects of forced water intake in alcohol addiction

Erscheinung: 2017 / Psychoneuroendocrinology

Background: Recent data suggest that ghrelin is involved in the pathophysiology of alcohol use disorders, affecting alcohol self-administration and craving. Gastric ghrelin secretion is reduced by stomach distension. We now tested the hypothesis whether the clinically well-known effects of high-volume water intake on craving reduction in alcoholism is mediated by acute changes in ghrelin secretion. Methods: In this randomized human laboratory study, we included 23 alcohol-dependent male inpatient subjects who underwent alcohol cue exposure. Participants of the intervention group drank 1000 ml of mineral water within 10 min directly thereafter, compared to the participants of the control group who did not. Craving and plasma concentrations of acetylated ghrelin were measured ten times during the 120 min following the alcohol cue exposure session. Results: In the intervention group, a significant decrease in acetylated ghrelin in plasma compared to the control group was observed. This decrease was correlated to a reduction in patients’ subjective level of craving. In the control group, no decrease of acetylated ghrelin in plasma and no association between alcohol craving and changes in plasma concentrations of acetylated ghrelin were observed. Conclusions: Our results present new evidence that the modulation in the ghrelin system by oral water intake mediates the effects of volume intake with craving reduction in alcohol use disorders. Hence, in addition to pharmacological interventions with ghrelin antagonists, the reduction of physiological ghrelin secretion might be a target for future interventions in the treatment of alcohol craving.

Autoren: Weil Georg

German Guidelines on Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorders

Erscheinung: 2017 / European Addiction Research

Evidence-based strategies for screening, diagnosing and treating alcohol use disorders (AUD) are instrumental in the early and better management of individuals at risk for or suffering from AUD. However, existing guidelines vary and may be biased by conflicts of interests. Unbiased recommendations can be achieved only if sufficient detail is provided on the composition and representativeness of author groups, methodological rigor, handling of potential conflicts of interest and financing. This paper presents the first evidence-based guidelines for AUD from German-speaking countries. These guidelines are based on the work of delegates from a representative sample of 46 scientific societies (mostly medical) from Austria, Germany and Switzerland dealing with AUD. It also included patients and relatives. Recommendations were derived from a standardised hierarchical process involving quality controls drawn from existing guidelines, de novo literature searches and/or expert experience. Potential conflicts of interest were assessed yearly and led to exclusion from voting in specific areas. An overall cost of more than 400,000€ (for alcohol and tobacco guidelines) were exclusively covered by the participating societies and academic institutions. More than 100 recommendations on screening, diagnostics and treatment of AUD are outlined in this paper, and their scientific background is given in the online supplementary material. Tables of aggregated study synopses (in English) and the full version of guidelines (in German) are available (see “Links”).

Autoren: Weil Georg

Neue Zugangswege in der Rehabilitation? Entwicklung und Evaluation eines ärztlich-psychotherapeutischen Befundberichtes für Abhängigkeitskranke

Erscheinung: 2016 / Abstract Veranstaltungsbeitrag

Autoren: Brünger Martin, Missel Peter, Feige Lothar, Spyra Karla

„‚Hoher Einsatz’ - Drogen und Glücksspiel“

Erscheinung: 2016 / Abstract Veranstaltungsbeitrag

Autoren: Bingel-Schmitz Dieter

Wie unterscheiden sich Patient(inn)en der stationären Drogenrehabilitation mit unterschiedlicher Hauptdiagnose hinsichtlich des Behandlungserfolgs?

Erscheinung: 2016 / Abstract Veranstaltungsbeitrag

Autoren: Fischer M., Kemmann Dietmar

Ergebnisse einer multizentrischen Katamnesestudie nac berufsbegleitend ambulanter Suchtrehabilitation (ARS) bei Alkoholabhängigkeit

Erscheinung: 2016 / Abstract Veranstaltungsbeitrag

Autoren: Lange N., Steffen D. V., Schneider B., Klein T., Missel Peter, Kramer D., Janner-Schraml A., Brenner R., Obendiek J. H.

Komorbidität bei pathologischen Glücksspielern in der stationären psychosomatischen Rehabilitation im Vergleich zu pathologischen Glücksspielern in der stationären Suchtrehabilitation

Erscheinung: 2016 / Abstract Veranstaltungsbeitrag

Autoren: Missel Peter, Rolffs M., Bick-Dresen Stefanie, Regenbrecht G.

Zur Rückfälligkeit während stationärer Entwöhnungsbehandlung

Erscheinung: 2016 / Abstract Veranstaltungsbeitrag

Autoren: Burkard Patrick, Dieckmann André

Zugangswege erweitern!: … aus Sicht der Suchtbehandler

Erscheinung: 2016 / Abstract Veranstaltungsbeitrag

Autoren: Missel Peter

Verloren im Netz? - Fallvignette zur Behandlung des pathologischen PC-/Internetgebrauchs

Erscheinung: 2016 / Abstract Veranstaltungsbeitrag

Autoren: Joas Ursula, Missel Peter

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