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Effectiveness of methamphetamine abuse treatment: Predictors of treatment completion and comparison of two residential treatment programsErscheinung: 2019 / Drug and Alcohol Dependence Background: There is an increasing demand of evidence-based treatment options for methamphetamine users, but research in this field is limited. This study therefore evaluates the efficacy of two residential treatment programs for methamphetamine users.Method:A total of 108 patients with a history of methamphetamine abuse from two inpatient rehabilitation centers were studied for psychiatric symptoms, craving, psychosocial resources, and cognitive functioning at the start and end of therapy. Patients from one center (“amphetamine type stimulant group”) received conventional group therapy plus an additional 10 h of group therapy focusing on stimulant use. Patients from the other center (“treatment as usual”) received conventional group therapy only. Predictors of drop-out were estimated.Results: A drop-out rate of 40.7% was observed without a significant difference between both centers. Patients remained significantly longer in treatment as usual compared to amphetamine type stimulant treatment. Irrespective of treatment program, craving and psychiatric symptoms significantly decreased while psychosocial resources, processing speed, and cognitive flexibility improved over time. Other cognitive measures yielded mixed results. History of injection drug use was a significant predictor for treatment drop-out.Conclusions:Existing treatments are effective in reducing craving and psychiatric symptoms. Additional stimulant specific groups do not appear to influence treatment completion and secondary outcome measures. Institutions should therefore offer treatment for methamphetamine users, even if they do not provide a therapy content focusing on methamphetamine. History of injection drug use should receive attention in treatment to prevent drop-out. Changes in cognitive functioning need to be further explored. |
Abstinenz-Sicherungs-TrainingErscheinung: 2019 / Lambertus |
Mit der Herausforderung leben. Konsum - Sucht - AbstinenzErscheinung: 2019 / Freundeskreis-Journal |
Palliativmedizinische Behandlung in der neurologischen FrührehabilitationErscheinung: 2019 / Neurologie & Rehabilitation Link: https://www.hippocampus.de/media/316/cms_5def745aa52b3.pdf |
Cisplatin-Gabe: Nephrotoxizität durch Verlangsamung der intravenösen Applikation vermeidenErscheinung: 2019 / Journal Onkologie Cisplatin is an effective cytotoxic drug with nephrotoxic effects for the treatment of solid tumors. An optimal prophylactic measure is not yet known. Prolongation of the infusion time may help prevent nephrotoxicity, which is characterized by reduction of the glomerular fi ltration rate (GFR), hypomagnesaemia and hypokalaemia. In the casuistry, gemcitabine + cisplatin is infused over 2 hours, resulting in severe vomiting. After the second chemotherapy cycle, the duration of infusion was extended to 8 hours, which was only associated with moderate nausea and creatinine level indicated a reduction of nephrotoxicity. Clinical trails are recommended to analyze whether prolonging the infusion time and dilution of cisplatin may reduce the nephrotoxic effect of cisplatin. |
Methamphetamine withdrawal and the restoration of cognitive functions – a study over a course of 6 months abstinenceErscheinung: 2019 / Psychiatry Research A continuously rising consumption of methamphetamine (MA) has been suggested to be associated with increasing cognitive dysfunction. The objective of this study was to investigate associations between cognitive functions and gender, drug using patterns and treatment-attending profiles of recently abstinent MA users over the course of six months abstinence. Data were collected from 108 participants in two inpatient rehabilitation centers. The mean duration of MA use was 11.5 years. Interviews and cognitive tests (cognitrone, Stroop, TMT, nback) were performed right after the withdrawal and again after approx. six months of abstinence. Comparisons and explorative analyses between the groups (gender, primary MA/ multidrug users, early dropouts/ completers) regarding cognitive variables were performed. At baseline a significant decline in general neuropsychological functioning and attention/concentration after ongoing years of consumption were found. After a period of six months abstinence, cognitive performances remained stable or improved significantly for cognitrone percentile and cognitive flexibility. Normal cognitive functions were measured in former MA users after acute withdrawal which remained stable and partly improved in those patients who refrained from substance abuse over six months. Continued long-term MA intake was the only identified indicator of poorer cognitive performance. These results point towards a regain of cognitive performance in patients abstinent from MA. |
Therapieerfolg in zwei deutschen Suchtfachkliniken nach sechsmonatiger stationärer Methamphetamin- EntwöhnungErscheinung: 2019 / Poster In den letzten Jahren ist sowohl in Teilen Deutschlands wie auch weltweit ein wachsender Konsum von Methamphetamin (MA) zu beobachten, einhergehend mit einem steigenden Therapiebedarf der Konsumenten (EMCDDA, 2018). Die bisherige Forschung zu Therapiemöglichkeiten bei MA-Abhängigkeit ist in Deutschland jedoch noch unzureichend. Die vorliegende Langzeitstudie evaluiert mittel- und langfristige Effekte zweier stationärer Therapiekonzepte für MA-Konsumenten und analysiert mögliche Prädiktoren des Therapieerfolgs. |
Neurorehabilitation und symptomatische Therapie bei Multipler SkleroseErscheinung: 2019 / Die Rehabilitation Link: https://www.thieme-connect.com/products/ejournals/pdf/10.1055/a-0755-1398.pdf |
Zusammenhang zwischen kognitiven Störungen und sturzassoziierten Gangparametern in der postakuten Rehabilitation nach SchlaganfallErscheinung: 2019 / DRV-Schriftenband 117 |
ICF basierte Messung der funktionalen Gesundheit im Verlauf der stationären neurologischen Rehabilitation nach SchlaganfallErscheinung: 2019 / DRV-Schriftenband 117 |